Jesus And The Pharisees
Lesson 29 Jesus explains why the scribes and Pharisees are not worthy examples to follow. This must have come as a real surprise to the people. Matthew 5:20-22. September 2, 2012
Lesson 29 Jesus explains why the scribes and Pharisees are not worthy examples to follow. This must have come as a real surprise to the people. Matthew 5:20-22. September 2, 2012
Lesson 28 Some might have thought that Jesus was opposed to The Law of Moses. In fact, He believed it, taught it and lived by it. Matthew 5:17-20 August 26, 2012
Lesson 27 The world will never see Jesus but they will see the light of His people. Matthew 5:14-16 August 19, 2012
Lesson 26 We cannot keep the Beatitudes to ourselves. We must live them out before the world. Matthew 5:13-16 August 12, 2012
Lesson 25 It would seem that the world would honor the person who lives our the beatitudes in their life. Instead, persecution is often the result. Matthew 5:10-12 August 5, 2012
Lesson 24 In a world of conflict and trouble, Jesus places a high premium on those who make peace. Matthew 5:9 July 22, 2012
Lesson 23 “The Pure In Heart shall see God” A tape for this lesson is not available at this time. Matthew 5:8 July 15, 2012
Lesson 22 According to Jesus only those who are merciful will receive mercy. Matthew 5:7 July 8, 2012
Lesson 21 One key to developing Kingdom Attitudes is found in this beatitude. Matthew 5:6 July 1, 2012
Lesson 20 “Blessed are the meek” is perhaps the most misunderstood of the beatitudes. Matthew 5:5 June 24, 2012