A Clay Pot Disguised
Proverbs Lesson 13. Solomon says that things are not always what they seem. Sometimes a silver vase is only made out of clay. Sometimes kind words conceal an evil heart. Proverbs 26:23 February 27, 2011 PM
Proverbs Lesson 13. Solomon says that things are not always what they seem. Sometimes a silver vase is only made out of clay. Sometimes kind words conceal an evil heart. Proverbs 26:23 February 27, 2011 PM
Philippians Lesson 18. Paul puts forth his life and teaching as a pattern for us to follow. Philippians 3:17-21 February 27, 2011
Proverbs Lesson 12. Solomon says we can either walk with the wise or with those who are fools. The end result for each is very different. Proverbs 13:20 February 13, 2011 PM
Philippians Lesson 17. Paul had been a Christian for 30 years, and his purpose in life was still very clear. In the text, he points out what his one aim was – “to know Christ.” Philippians 3:7-15. February 13, 2011
Philippians Lesson 16. Paul’s spiritual maturity rested in his burning desire to know Jesus and the power of His resurrection. Philippians 3:7-15 February 6, 2011
Philippians Lesson 15. There are risks to be taken as a Christian. Sometimes we must be like Epaphroditus and take a chance on our future. Philippians 2:25-30 January 30, 2011
Proverbs Lesson 11. Solomon tells us how we can be a “Tree of Life” to ourselves and to others. Proverbs 11:30 January 23, 2011 PM
Philippians Lesson14. Paul gives us another example of a bright shining light. This time it is a man from Philippi – Epaphroditus. Philippians 2:25-30 January 23, 2011
Philippians Lesson 13. Paul says we should be lights shining in a dark world. He gives us two examples of what he means. The first one if Timothy. Philippians 2:19-24 January 16, 2011
Proverbs Lesson 10. Here are the last 2 of 7 things God says He hates. Proverbs 6:16-19 January 9, 2011 PM