Paul And Felix
Paul had the opportunity to preach the good news to Felix the Roman governor. Felix was not likely to be in a place where he would hear the gospel, so God brought Paul to him. Acts 24:1-27 February 22, 2009
Paul had the opportunity to preach the good news to Felix the Roman governor. Felix was not likely to be in a place where he would hear the gospel, so God brought Paul to him. Acts 24:1-27 February 22, 2009
Paul wanted to get to Jerusalem before Pentecost. In order not to spend a lot of time at Ephesus, he called for the elders to meet him in Miletus. His instructions to them should still be followed today. Acts 20:17-38 February 15, 2009
Paul visits Troas on several occasion on his final missionary trip. We only remember one thing about his last sermon there and that’s the length. He preached until midnight with potentially disasterous results. Acts 20:1-12 February 8, 2009
Paul had a very fruitful ministry at Ephesus. From there the gospel was preached to everyone in the Province of Asia. Extraordinary miracles took place and idolatry and the occult were overcome. Acts 19:1-41 February 1, 2009
This lesson summarizes all seven lessons from Ephesians 4:4-6 February 1, 2009
Paul comes to Corinth with the good news of Jesus Christ, but will this most immoral of cities receive it as such? Paul had to overcome many problems in order to preach there. Acts 18:1-17 January 25, 2009
People are looking everywhere for hope. The only real hope is found in Jesus. Ephesians 4:4-6 January 25, 2009
There is one body. The body and the church speak of the same people and their relationships. The term body especially refers to our connection with our head, Jesus, and with other members of the church. Ephesians 4:4-6 January 18, 2009
The ‘R’ word was not very popular when Paul preached in Athens and it is still not popular today. Paul, though, says that repentance is required of everyone. Acts 17:30-31 January 18, 2009
Paul says there is one baptism. What is the one baptism of the Bible and what is it’s purpose? How is it administered and who should be baptized? Ephesians 4:4-6 January 11, 2009