There Is One God
While humans have consistently worshiped many gods, Paul says there only one true God. He is the God of the Bible, He is the God who acts in human history and He is the God we should know. Ephesians 4:4-6 November 9, 2008
While humans have consistently worshiped many gods, Paul says there only one true God. He is the God of the Bible, He is the God who acts in human history and He is the God we should know. Ephesians 4:4-6 November 9, 2008
The church begins to spead out to new regions. The first great gentile church begins in Antioch of Syria. This church is ready to spead the gospel on to Europe! Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3 November 2, 2008
After a brief period of peace persecution once again breaks out. James is executed and Peter is awaiting his turn to die. The church is praying and Peter is released from prison by an angel. Acts 12:1-34 October 26, 2008
The disciples were called “Christians” for the first time at Antioch. What should this name mean to us today? Acts 11:26 October 19, 2008
Cornelius and his household were an ideal audience for Peter. They were all present to hear what God would have to say through Peter. Acts 10:30-33 October 12, 2008
Peter’s ministry takes him to the household of Cornelius where he begins the process of overcoming prejudice. Acts 10:1-48 October 5, 2008
Peter’s ministry takes him to Lydda where he heals Aeneas. The disciples at Joppa implore Peter to come there. At Joppa he raises Dorcas from the dead. More and more disciples are added to the body of Christ. Acts 9:32-43 September 28, 2008
After Saul’s conversion the church in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria had peace for a short time. They also had the key for multiplying the church. There’s a lesson here for us. Acts 9:19-31 September 21, 2008
Saul, the persecutor of Christians, journeys to Damascus to capture Christians. Instead, he is captured by Christ. Acts 9:1-19 September 14, 2008
The Kings Lesson 21. Zedekiah was the last King of Judah. He had the opportunity to follow Jeremiah’s advice but would not. The Nation was led into Babylonian captivity. 2 Chronicles 36:11-13 September 14, 2008