Perfected In Unity
The High Priestly prayer of Jesus is for Himself, His Covenant people and for His disciples. This lesson centers on His desire that we all be one in Him. John 17:13-24 Jim Williams
The High Priestly prayer of Jesus is for Himself, His Covenant people and for His disciples. This lesson centers on His desire that we all be one in Him. John 17:13-24 Jim Williams
The Kings Lesson 12. Solomon receives wisdom from the Lord and, yet, he allows his foreign wives to turn his heart away from God. 1 Kings 11:26-40 June 1, 2008
One of the benefits of Jesus going away is that now the disciples will be able to pray in His name anywhere and at any time. John 14:13-14 Jim Williams – John 14:13-14
The Kings Lesson 11. David charges Solomon to walk in the way of the Lord ” that you may succeed in all that you do…” Solomon is crowned King over Israel. 1 Kings 2:2-4 May 25, 2008
Jesus tells His disciples that He is going away and that He will leave His peace with them. John 14:27-28 Jim Williams
The Kings Lesson 10. David was a man after God’s heart and yet he had family trouble. Part 2. 2 Samuel 13:21 May 11, 2008
The Kings Lesson 9. David was a man after God’s own heart and yet he had trouble with his family. 2 Samuel 13:21 May 4, 2008
Jesus promises His disciples that He will return. When will He return and what will happen in the meantime. John 14:1-12 Jim Williams -May 4, 2008
The Kings Lesson 8. David intended to move The Ark of The Covenant to Jerusalem. His intentions were good but something went terribly wrong. 2 Kings 6:1-11 April 27, 2008
Jesus surprises and schocks His disciples by saying plainly that He will be leaving. He gives them encouragement to continue on in spite of the absence of His bodily presence. John 14:1-12 Jim Williams – April 4, 2008