An Open Door
Lesson 1 Doors of opportunity are sent by the Lord. He opens and closes doors. How can we tell which ones to go through? Colossians 4:2-4 August 18, 2013
Lesson 1 Doors of opportunity are sent by the Lord. He opens and closes doors. How can we tell which ones to go through? Colossians 4:2-4 August 18, 2013
Lesson 58 The single most important event in Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus. If it is true all else is true. There is ample evidence to prove that He did rise from the dead. Matthew 28:1-7 May 26, 2013
Lesson 57 Jesus compares Himself to Jonah. What did these two have in common? Matthew 12:38-40 May 19, 2013
Lesson 56 This lesson continues the explanation of “The Sign of Jonah.” Matthew 12:38-41 April 28, 2013
Lesson 55 When the Pharisees and scribes asked for a sign, Jesus said the only sign they would get was the sign of Jonah. Matthew 12:38-41 April 21, 2013
Lesson 54 When Jesus finished His sermon the people were astounded. He did not speak like the scribes and Pharisees. He spoke with a message which came from God. Matthew 12:38-41 April 7, 2013
Lesson 53 Jesus tells us there are two possibilities for us to build our lives on. The solid rock foundation is the one that will survive the day of Judgment. Matthew 7:24-27 March 31, 2013
Lesson 52 This is a question that concerns us all, “Who will go to heaven?” Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:21-23. March 24, 2013
Lesson 51 False teachers are compared to ravenous wolves. We must learn how to protect ourselves from them. Matthew 7:15-20 March 17, 2013
Lesson 50 There are two ways to travel in life and two teachers we will encounter. Matthew 7:15-20 March 10, 2013