More On Temptation
Lesson 8 This lesson deals with the source of temptation and how to overcome when we are tempted. Matthew 4:1-11 April 1, 2012
Lesson 8 This lesson deals with the source of temptation and how to overcome when we are tempted. Matthew 4:1-11 April 1, 2012
Lesson 7 Jesus was tempted just as we are and is , therefore, able to come to our defense. Matthew 4:1-11 March 25, 2012
Lesson 6 Jesus was baptized by John to “fulfill all righteousness.” Matthew 3:13-17 March 18, 2012
Lesson 5 Jesus said that there is none greater than John The Baptist, yet, the least in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than John. Matthew 3:1-6 March 11, 2012
Lesson 4 Joseph was a very good father. In fact, he was the legal father of God’s Son. Just as God called Israel out of Egyptian captivity, so, He called Jesus out of Egypt, also. Matthew 2:14-18 March 4, 2012
Lesson 3 Joseph, the father of Jesus, is someone who is often overlooked in the story of the life of our Savior. Really, though, Joseph is a remarkable man of God. Matthew 1:18-25 February 26, 2012
Lesson 2 There are many important lessons about the birth of Jesus. One that must be discussed is that Paul says it happened at “the fulness of time.” (Galatians 4:4) Matthew 1:18-21 February 19, 2012
Lesson 1 Matthew is writing this Gospel to the Jewish people. It is important for him to show that Jesus has the qualifications to be King of the Jews. Matthew 1:1-17 February 12, 2012