Christ Is The Head

People come up with many ideas for church growth, but the Bible says that the best idea is to let Jesus be the head of His body.  Also, each member of the body must contribute what they can for the good of the body.  Ephesians 4:11-16 April 5, 2009

Into All The World

The views of Jesus completely shaped the beliefs and actions of the first disciples.  They took this view into all the world and changed the lives of people wherever they went.  (The speaker obviously has a allergy problem).  Acts 1:8 March 22, 2009

I Believe God

On the way to Rome, Paul is shipwrecked.  He arrives in the capitol of the Empire after a side trip to Malta.  Paul’s life is summarized by his statement, “I believe God that it will turn out exactly as I have been told.”  Acts 27:21-26 March 15, 2009

Paul And Agrippa

After Paul has been in prison for two years, Felix is replaced by Festus.  Paul is forced to appeal to Caesar in order to receive justice.  During the wait to go to Rome King Agrippa comes to town and Paul has the opportunity to preach to him.  Acts 26:1-32 March 1, 2009

Paul At Troas

Paul visits Troas on several occasion on his final missionary trip.  We only remember one thing about his last sermon there and that’s the length.  He preached until midnight with potentially disasterous results.   Acts 20:1-12 February 8, 2009