Truths About Baptism
There are many different views about the subject of baptism. What does the Bible actually say about baptism. Romans 6:1-4 May 22, 2011
There are many different views about the subject of baptism. What does the Bible actually say about baptism. Romans 6:1-4 May 22, 2011
Proverbs Lesson 20. This animal is also difficult to translate, but I will use the ones that call it a spider. Proverbs 30:28 May 22, 2011 PM
Philippians Lesson 25 (Last Lesson). We are encouraged to realize that we serve a Mighty God and that He is able and willing to supply all of our needs. Philippians 4:19-23 May 15, 2011
Proverbs Lesson 19. The third small but wise animal is the locust. Proverbs3:27 May 8, 2011 PM
Philippians Lesson 24. In all circumstances Paul says he has learned to be content. Find out how from this text. Philippians 4:10-13 May 1, 2011
Proverbs Lesson 18. The second animal is difficult to translate, but we will follow the translations that call it a rock badger. Proverbs 30:26 May 1, 2011 PM
Philippians Lesson 23. In this text, Paul, tells us that to do right we must first think right. Philippians 4:8-9 April 24, 2011
Proverbs Lesson 17. The wisdom of the ant is the the first small animal. Proverbs 30:25; Proverbs 6:6-11 April 24, 2011 PM
Philippians Lesson 22. Paul gives us several reasons to rejoice in the Lord. Philippians 4:4-6 April 10, 2011
Proverbs Lesson 16. Solomon says there are four small animals. They are small but wise. Proverbs 30:24-28 April 10, 2011 PM